Frequent questions

- How long will it take for my items to arrive ?

It takes an average of 7-9 days to complete a shipment. Delivery times vary based on demand and shipping location and the type of shipping chosen during purchase.

- How long will it take to receive a tracking number ?

It usually takes 1-2 business days.

- Where can I place an order ?

You can place an order from any country, we ship worldwide.

- When I receive my order do I receive a confirmation number ?

Yes, you will receive an order confirmation email with an order number immediately after placing your order. Please contact us if you do not receive one within 24 hours.

- Who can I contact if I have any issues with my order ? All inquiries can be forwarded to the contact us page. We have a very attentive customer support team. We make sure your issue is resolved as quickly as possible.

- How can I pay ?

We accept all major credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, Paypal and Klarna

We accept Bank Transfer, Postepay Top-ups,

- Is checkout on this website secure ?

All purchases made are 100% safe, as each single transaction is protected and certified by the best online payment platforms that encode and protect your personal data, as well as guaranteeing you a refund in the event of problems with the product, shipping and loss. Furthermore, customer service is available 7 days a week to offer you a professional shopping experience and guarantee you human contact that will allow you to have greater trust and security as well as cutting-edge and scrupulous assistance aimed exclusively at customer satisfaction

- If I enter my email address, will my information be sold ?

We do not sell any information to our customers. Emails are only used to track and send newsletters about our promotions and discount coupons.

- Do I have to pay customs duties ?

For most countries, you will not have to pay customs duties.